Steiner und Scientology
Auf einer Forums- Seite ehemaliger Scientology- Mitglieder wird z.Z. diskutiert, inwieweit Hubbard, der Begründer von Scientology, sich inhaltlich aus den Themenbereichen der Vorträge Steiners bedient haben könnte. Dabei kommen auch klare Aussagen zustande in Bezug auf die Ausrichtung in Bezug auf weiße und schwarze Magie. So schreibt Tarjei Straume:
"The black magician, or the left-handed occultist, seeks to strengthen the power of egoism. When he succeeds in doing so, he experiences an increase in his separateness from his fellow creatures, from the rest of life. It is important, therefore, that he learns to desensitize himself from the inner experiences of others and thus acquires the capacity to ignore, or to take pleasure in, the sufferings of fellow creatures. By using advanced techniques for this purpose, the black magician may acquire tremendous power. This may culminate in a left-handed initiation which gives him clairvoyance.
One of the techniques utilized for this purpose, also mentioned by Steiner, consists of deliberately causing pain and suffering to another creature in a deliberate, conscious, and technically prescribed way. (This is pro 'tech', folks.) The practitioner experiences an increased isolation of his ego and a new inner strength parallel with a radical cooling of his feelings....
During the first world war, Rudolf Steiner began to speak about his conspiracy theory. (He did not call it a theory, however.) He spoke about the 'secret brotherhoods of the West' and their behind-the-curtains manipulation of spiritual, cultural, and political developments. He claimed to be able to prove that the map of Europe that was drawn in 1918, had existed in England in the 1890's, and that the same secret brotherhoods had engineered the Bolshevik revolution in Russia as a 'social experiment'.
Steiner spoke openly about occult knowledge that these secret brotherhoods allegedly possessed. He said that possession of this same esoteric knowledge was the only possible protection from such sinister groups.
By the same token, a thorough investigation and increased public dissemination of L. Ron Hubbard's ideas, where they come from, and how they have been distorted and falsified in order to control, exploit and abuse people, should provide the best possible protection from Religious Technology Center, the Church of Scientology, Narconon, Criminon and all other brainchildren of LRH.
For this reason I wish to make it perfectly clear that my purpose in writing this text is NOT to turn readers into Anthroposophists, but to expose Rudolf Steiner's ideas in such a way that an increased understanding of Ron Hubbard and his organization may result from it. If the reader can discover such connections by reading this text, it will contribute to the potential solution of LRH as a riddle.
Lafayette Ron Hubbard was a paranoid psychopath who dabbled in the practice of black magic. He suffered from psychotic spells and suicidal depressions. His followers have left an unending trail of psychoses, suicides, murders and bizarre deaths.
I am very curious about whether Hubbard's flirtation with black magical practices were exclusively amateurish and elementary, or if he was a somewhat more advanced master of left-handed occultism. It would be very helpful to our common research of Scientology if anybody can contribute with clues or information of this kind."
Der Artikel von Straume und andere Fragmente, die im Forum diskutiert werden, erschienen bereits 1998 auf dessen Website UncleTaz.
"The black magician, or the left-handed occultist, seeks to strengthen the power of egoism. When he succeeds in doing so, he experiences an increase in his separateness from his fellow creatures, from the rest of life. It is important, therefore, that he learns to desensitize himself from the inner experiences of others and thus acquires the capacity to ignore, or to take pleasure in, the sufferings of fellow creatures. By using advanced techniques for this purpose, the black magician may acquire tremendous power. This may culminate in a left-handed initiation which gives him clairvoyance.
One of the techniques utilized for this purpose, also mentioned by Steiner, consists of deliberately causing pain and suffering to another creature in a deliberate, conscious, and technically prescribed way. (This is pro 'tech', folks.) The practitioner experiences an increased isolation of his ego and a new inner strength parallel with a radical cooling of his feelings....
During the first world war, Rudolf Steiner began to speak about his conspiracy theory. (He did not call it a theory, however.) He spoke about the 'secret brotherhoods of the West' and their behind-the-curtains manipulation of spiritual, cultural, and political developments. He claimed to be able to prove that the map of Europe that was drawn in 1918, had existed in England in the 1890's, and that the same secret brotherhoods had engineered the Bolshevik revolution in Russia as a 'social experiment'.
Steiner spoke openly about occult knowledge that these secret brotherhoods allegedly possessed. He said that possession of this same esoteric knowledge was the only possible protection from such sinister groups.
By the same token, a thorough investigation and increased public dissemination of L. Ron Hubbard's ideas, where they come from, and how they have been distorted and falsified in order to control, exploit and abuse people, should provide the best possible protection from Religious Technology Center, the Church of Scientology, Narconon, Criminon and all other brainchildren of LRH.
For this reason I wish to make it perfectly clear that my purpose in writing this text is NOT to turn readers into Anthroposophists, but to expose Rudolf Steiner's ideas in such a way that an increased understanding of Ron Hubbard and his organization may result from it. If the reader can discover such connections by reading this text, it will contribute to the potential solution of LRH as a riddle.
Lafayette Ron Hubbard was a paranoid psychopath who dabbled in the practice of black magic. He suffered from psychotic spells and suicidal depressions. His followers have left an unending trail of psychoses, suicides, murders and bizarre deaths.
I am very curious about whether Hubbard's flirtation with black magical practices were exclusively amateurish and elementary, or if he was a somewhat more advanced master of left-handed occultism. It would be very helpful to our common research of Scientology if anybody can contribute with clues or information of this kind."
Der Artikel von Straume und andere Fragmente, die im Forum diskutiert werden, erschienen bereits 1998 auf dessen Website UncleTaz.