Der glorreiche Mr. Felkin, ertappt
In Ergänzung zu einigen Artikeln über Golden Dawn, Judith von Halle, Stella Matutina usw hier noch eine mir bislang unbekannte Quelle, die ich etwas breiter zitieren möchte, da sie nochmals das Verhältnis von Rudolf Steiner zu Felkin und der Stella Matutina beleuchtet, und damit weitere Hinweise gibt zur Widerlegung von Judith von Halles Loblied auf diesen Kult. Harry Collison war immerhin Generalsekretär der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft in Großbritannien. Er bestätigt, dass Felkin keinerlei "Einweihung" von Rudolf Steiner erhalten hat, geschweige denn geheime Zeremonien, um den dubiosen Stella Matutina- Kult auszubauen. Felkins Versuche, Repräsentant Rudolf Steiners in England zu werden, wurden abgelehnt (obgleich Edith Maryon Steiner in ihren Briefen immer wieder an ihren Arzt Felkin erinnerte). Steiner hat die Praktiken in der Stella Matutina als "alte Form der Hellseherei" bezeichnet, mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit des Selbstbetrugs. Die absurden Behauptungen Felkins, Christian Rosenkreutz spräche über Mitglieder seines Ordens direkt zu ihm, sind eine Art illusionären Channelns; eine völlig inakzeptable und illusionäre Praxis, die nicht im geringsten etwas mit anthroposophischer Methodik zu tun hat, ganz im Gegenteil. Dass Judith von Halle auf diese äußerst trüben Quellen verweist, ihnen sogar eine Bedeutung für die Zukunft der Anthroposophischen Bewegung zugestehen möchte, ist ihr Problem.
"One of Steiner’s own men who infiltrated the Stella Matutina, H. Collison, expressed the former’s sentiments on the Stella Matutina and Felkin in a letter on 1921:
The following is what I gathered from an interview with Dr. Steiner in Holland last March.
1. Dr. Felkin was a spectator at one of Dr. Steiner's ceremonies in Munich several years ago. No grades have been given to him by Dr. Steiner. No grades were given to him in Munich. But Dr. Steiner gave Dr. Felkin a great deal of instruction, such as he gives to other people who desire it.
2. Several visits have been paid by various enquirers to castles and other places in Austro-Hungary, but there has never been any true or practical result from these researches.
3. Dr. Felkin was anxious to get a charter from Dr. Steiner and made many attempts to gain this and be appointed his sole representative in England... Dr. Steiner said that he was unable to grant this request.
4. Dr. Steiner cannot say that the forces in the Order are good or bad, but in all spiritualistic practices under the old form of clairvoyance which is resorted to in the Felkin Order, self-deception is very possible and forces may enter which are beyond the power or understanding of those physically present.
5. The Order is decorative and useful to those who need it and are able to distinguish between mere ornament and reality.
So, as can bee seen, we must conclude that Steiner’s personal involvement was scarce in the years between 1912-14, and non existent after that. We also must conclude that Steiner’s own views on the Golden Dawn as a workable vehicle for expounding the mysteries as low or insignificant. But this didn’t hinder Felkin to expand upon the teachings of Steiner and the process of its integration into the Golden Dawn. In November 1915 Dr. Felkin gave this fascinating account of Christian Rosenkreutz and how all of this related to the Golden Dawn system of initiation:
First I will try to explain what I think most of you do not quite realise. The actual as well as the nominal Head of the Inner Order, is out Father in God, C.R.C. himself, who gives us directions and instructions from time to time through Members who are clairvoyant and clairaudient to such an extend that they are able to receive them."
"One of Steiner’s own men who infiltrated the Stella Matutina, H. Collison, expressed the former’s sentiments on the Stella Matutina and Felkin in a letter on 1921:
The following is what I gathered from an interview with Dr. Steiner in Holland last March.
1. Dr. Felkin was a spectator at one of Dr. Steiner's ceremonies in Munich several years ago. No grades have been given to him by Dr. Steiner. No grades were given to him in Munich. But Dr. Steiner gave Dr. Felkin a great deal of instruction, such as he gives to other people who desire it.
2. Several visits have been paid by various enquirers to castles and other places in Austro-Hungary, but there has never been any true or practical result from these researches.
3. Dr. Felkin was anxious to get a charter from Dr. Steiner and made many attempts to gain this and be appointed his sole representative in England... Dr. Steiner said that he was unable to grant this request.
4. Dr. Steiner cannot say that the forces in the Order are good or bad, but in all spiritualistic practices under the old form of clairvoyance which is resorted to in the Felkin Order, self-deception is very possible and forces may enter which are beyond the power or understanding of those physically present.
5. The Order is decorative and useful to those who need it and are able to distinguish between mere ornament and reality.
So, as can bee seen, we must conclude that Steiner’s personal involvement was scarce in the years between 1912-14, and non existent after that. We also must conclude that Steiner’s own views on the Golden Dawn as a workable vehicle for expounding the mysteries as low or insignificant. But this didn’t hinder Felkin to expand upon the teachings of Steiner and the process of its integration into the Golden Dawn. In November 1915 Dr. Felkin gave this fascinating account of Christian Rosenkreutz and how all of this related to the Golden Dawn system of initiation:
First I will try to explain what I think most of you do not quite realise. The actual as well as the nominal Head of the Inner Order, is out Father in God, C.R.C. himself, who gives us directions and instructions from time to time through Members who are clairvoyant and clairaudient to such an extend that they are able to receive them."