Rudolf Steiner: Der Mensch muss als ein Ungeheuer sich kennen lernen
Hierauf bezogen ein sehr passender, erläuternder, geradezu wegweisender Beitrag von Jostein Saether in seinem Blog über die "Ungeheuerlichkeit des Menschen".
Florian Sydow macht im gleichen Zusammenhang via Facebook auf alte Michaels- Mysterien aufmerksam:
"A good counterpart to contemplate together with that meditation is the experience that the neophyte underwent in what is considered to be the oldest mystery center devoted to the Archangel Michael in Europe, located at Monte Gargano Italy.
According to the Golden Legend (Legenda Aurea), the compendium of Christian legend compiled by Jacobus de Voragine between 1260-1275. "Around the year 490 the Archangel Michael appeared several times to the Bishop of Sipontum near a cave, asking that the cave be dedicated to Christian worship and promising protection of the nearby town of Sipontum from pagan invaders. These were the first apparitions of Michael in Western Europe."
I wanted to draw attention to the caverns referenced in the book by Adalbert Graf von Keyserlingk who is the son of Count and countess Kaiserlingk on who's estate in Koberwitz the agricultural course was held by Rudolf Steiner in his book Monte Gargano Europas Ältestes Michaelsheiligtum.
He shed light on an initiatory grotto located at the site in which the neophyte was asked to penetrate the cave in total darkness as they ventured deeper into the cavern it grew narrower and eventually they needed to crawl on their belly when they reached the end torches were lit and the gilded figure of Michael appeared above them with his Speer directed towards them. First of all one had to overcome the fear of penetrating the darkness which becomes a powerful experience on the other side of the threshold. Once the torch was lit what flashed into and impressed deeply in ones consciousness was that one was identified with the dragon, and needed to awaken to ones higher self embodied in the radiant figure of Michael."
Florian Sydow macht im gleichen Zusammenhang via Facebook auf alte Michaels- Mysterien aufmerksam:
"A good counterpart to contemplate together with that meditation is the experience that the neophyte underwent in what is considered to be the oldest mystery center devoted to the Archangel Michael in Europe, located at Monte Gargano Italy.
According to the Golden Legend (Legenda Aurea), the compendium of Christian legend compiled by Jacobus de Voragine between 1260-1275. "Around the year 490 the Archangel Michael appeared several times to the Bishop of Sipontum near a cave, asking that the cave be dedicated to Christian worship and promising protection of the nearby town of Sipontum from pagan invaders. These were the first apparitions of Michael in Western Europe."
I wanted to draw attention to the caverns referenced in the book by Adalbert Graf von Keyserlingk who is the son of Count and countess Kaiserlingk on who's estate in Koberwitz the agricultural course was held by Rudolf Steiner in his book Monte Gargano Europas Ältestes Michaelsheiligtum.
He shed light on an initiatory grotto located at the site in which the neophyte was asked to penetrate the cave in total darkness as they ventured deeper into the cavern it grew narrower and eventually they needed to crawl on their belly when they reached the end torches were lit and the gilded figure of Michael appeared above them with his Speer directed towards them. First of all one had to overcome the fear of penetrating the darkness which becomes a powerful experience on the other side of the threshold. Once the torch was lit what flashed into and impressed deeply in ones consciousness was that one was identified with the dragon, and needed to awaken to ones higher self embodied in the radiant figure of Michael."